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Isn't life exciting and difficult all ball up in one fun little bubble. I have learned to take life one moment at a time and to try and not let it pull me down into the darkness that somehow seems to follow us.

There is many crazy things going on in this world around us. If we stop and think about it, I mean really think about it, we would probably be scared to breathe, let alone walk outside.

I don't know why we can't just get alone and just let what was be and what is be. Let us not judge, but let the Father above judge. I pray for a safer day for all of us. A day we all look past color and beliefs and just live. Be happy with our family and friends and not worry about what other people say or do.

Life is worth living and its really up to us, if we let it be a good one or one that constantly blames the others that don't agree with us.

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